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Honoring IX Cacao: A Practical Guidebook in Leading Exceptional Cacao Ceremonies

Honoring IX Cacao: A Practical Guidebook in Leading Exceptional Cacao Ceremonies


:: Honoring Ix Cacao ::

It is with big love & reverence that we bring you this much awaited Guide book on Cacao Medicine. 

With Blessings & permission from the Indigenous Wisdom keepers and teachers, we have compiled a potent guide on the Priestess Art of Serving Cacao. The wisdom within this guidebook is a culmination of traditional ceremony shared with Graell by Medicine people & Indigenous Elders during her time spent teaching and learning in Lake Atilan, Guatemala, as well as channeled ritual, plant medicine and Priestess codes of conduct. 

We hold this wisdom with the utmost respect, and do not claim to own it or be Mayan. We have carefully navigated this weaving of wisdom and made sure our intention behind this offer is pure of heart. 

Included in this guidebook you will find:


- The Ancestral Roots & Herstory of Cacao
- The Herstory of Ix Chel, the Mayan Goddess of the Moon, Water, Fertility, Creation, Weaving & Midwifery
- Sacred Activism, Earth Tending, and Priestess Conduct for offering ritual or ceremony 
- Respecting Indigenous Wisdom & Walking the path with Integrity, Discernment and Grace.
-Plant Spirit Connection & Herbalism
- How to Make & Serve Cacao
& much more!

** Part of the proceeds from this guidebook  will be donated to the @water4lifeglobal initiative, which is currently in the ground in communities in Guatemala.

We HIGHLY recommend you source your Cacao from the Women's Collective in San Marcos Laguna: 
Ruk'u'x Ulew

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